2018 Antique Airplane Fly-In

The 50th Anniversary & 47th Antique Airplane Fly-In held on June 9th, 2018, conducted by the Potomac Antique Aero Squadron (PAAS) chapter of the Antique Airplane Assoc. Hosted by Massey Aerodrome MD1. This is the only Antique Airplane Assoc. Judged event in our region (Formerly the Horn Point Fly-In). Thunderstorms were forecast for 2 PM and although there were scattered cells visible on radar around us, it did not rain at Massey until evening. The  threatening weather held attendance to 39 guest aircraft (14 1st timers).

Retiring PAAS Fly-In Director, Mike Streiter, welcomed Gretta Thorwarth as the new Fly-In Director for 2019.

John Machamer of Gettysburg, PA received a bottle of Chandelle Winery Sonoma Sauvignon Blanc as the 2018 Massey “Choice” Award for his one of a kind 1930 DAVIS D-1K as well as the Grand Champion Antique Aircraft Award. 

N319EC Maule MX-7-160, ROBERT W. RANSOM, MOORESTOWN, NJ (Engine: Lycoming 0-320).
N1131J 1954 C.A.S.A. 1.131 (Spanish built Bücker 131 Jungmann), GREG A. STRINGER, EGG HARBOR TWP., NJ, LYCOMING O&VO-360. (Best Customized Aircraft Award @ 2018 Antique Fly-In at Massey Aerodrome).
Antique Fly-In N84646 1946 AERONCA 7AC L-16 “Grasshopper”, WHISKEY MIKE INC., Engine: CONT. C65 (s/n 46-3365). Korean War vintage FAC (Forward Air Controller) – Photo by Bill Shull
N2335RV Early RV-3, Bruce Barrett, Pasadena, MD. Best Custom-Built (experimental) Aircraft Award – Photo by Bill Shull

2018 Awards:

Grand Champion Antique Aircraft Award: N158Y Davis D-1K , John Machamer, Gettysburg, PA.

Sweepstakes Antique Aircraft Ward: N28621, Luscombe 8C, Mark Webb Delmar, MD.

Grand Champion Classic Award: N2224M, Piper J3C-65, John Lewis, Mickleton, NJ.

Sweepstakes Classic Aircraft: N2168C, Cessna 195B, Brian McCay, Earlysville, VA.

Grand Champion Contemporary Aircraft: N9218D, Piper Tri-Pacer PA-22-160, Frank Vitellaro, Pennington, NJ.

Best Customized Aircraft Award: N1131J C.A.S.A. 1.131 (Spanish built Bücker 131 Jungmann), Greg Stringer, Egg Harbor Twp. NJ.

Best Custom-Built (experimental) Aircraft Award: N235RV, RV-3, Bruce Barrett, Pasadena, MD.

Potomac  Antique Aero Squadron President’s Award: N2168C, Cessna 195B, Brian McCay, Earlysville, VA.

Antique Aircraft Assoc. Club Award: N24739 Piper J3 Cub, Ralph DeGroodt, Galena, MD.