Massey Event
Vintage Sailplane Rally
Massey Aerodrome 33541 Maryland Line Rd., MasseyVintage Sailplane Rally - Aug. 19 & 20 (10 AM to 5 PM). The Vintage Sailplane Association (VSA) will hold their annual East Coast Sailplane Rally at Massey Sat. & Sun. August 19th & 20th from 10 AM to 5 PM both days. Vintage & Classic Gliders from the 30's through 60's are invited for a weekend of flying and hangar stories. 2 Tow Planes: Piper PA-25 Pawnee & Cessna 182. Glider rides and biplane rides will be available - prices vary (no reservations required), with a portion being donated to the museum. See VSA Vice President East: Rusty Lowry: (240) 925–5683, Email: Fly-In & … Continue reading "Vintage Sailplane Rally"