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Eleven planes were first timers and we thank them for coming out. For once we actually had some chili left over and thanks to everyone one who contributed because we do usually run out near the end. We had a nearly 90 degree crosswind of 10 to 15 mph which everyone handled well… leading to the comment that "only good pilots ventured out today." We had a fine contingent of hot rods, Model A Fords & antique cars which we always appreciate and admire.
The first Biplane Fly-In was held at Massey on June 28, 2014, organized by Nick Mirales. Perfect weather, very interesting airplanes, flour bombing & spot landing contests, good fun for spectators and competitors alike. Rare planes in attendance were Alan Lopez's 1930 Stearman 4E Special Junior Speedmail, Stanley Sweikar's 1929 FLEET Model 2, John Chirtea's Fisher Celebrity (Little Stearman) with 110 hp Rotec radial engine, Bret Davenport's Pitts S-1SX plus four WWII Boeing Stearman (PT-17 type). Don't miss this one in 2015.
For the second year, Nick Mirales provided Biplane rides at Massey one weekend a month in his Stearman. This has proven very popular and we look forward to his doing it again this year. For Reservations & pricing Contact: call 410-535-4136 Email: & Website
EAA Chapter 1536 (Middletown, DE) Fly-In/Picnic was held at Massey Aerodrome 8/16/14, it was a great success.
EAA Chapter 1536 sponsored Young Eagles Day at Massey Aerodrome 9/13/14. Despite threatening weather we flew 18 Young Eagles before stopping for rain around 1:30. EAA Chapter 1536 conducted the registration & cooked hot dogs for all guests. Prospective EAA members are welcome to attend their monthly chapter meeting held the second
Saturday of each month at 10:00 am at Massey Aerodrome Museum located at 33541 Maryland Line Rd., Massey, MD 21645.
Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter #1536, Middletown, DE
The weather influenced attendance at our Open Hanger Party although once again the weather on-field was good with a moderate wind straight down the runway. Heavy rain for days before the event soaked some parking areas however the runway itself was good. Only 15 planes flew in and somewhat fewer drive-ins than usual meant there was no shortage of food, all attendees had a good time including the antique/hot rod cars. Thanks to everyone who helps make this a success especially those in the kitchen: Ruth, Emily, Ann, Sheila, Karen, Cindra.
We started the year with a tour of the Naval Test Pilot School, Patuxent River NAS, MD courtesy of retiring Technical Director (and Test Pilot graduate) Rusty Lowry. Seven of us flew from Massey to St. Mary's Co. Airport in Rob Dant's 172 & John Williamson's 172 where we met up with Rusty and Greg Dungan for the drive to the base. After the NTPS tour and lunch we toured Art Nall's Harrier operation at St. Mary's Co. The NTPS tour was a privilege enjoyed by all - it's great to know the right people - Thanks Rusty.
As "THANKS" for helping the Dover Air Mobility Command Museum restore their WACO CG-4 glider we were treated to a personal guided tour of the museum and lunch by their restoration team - Thank you for a very enjoyable (and unexpected) day.
We have installed high intensity, energy efficient lighting in the museum/terminal bldg. thanks, in part, to a $700.00 grant from Choptank Electric (our
electric utility) making the museum and library bright and cheery. This now allows us to host night time events.
Massey Museum Curator, Don Hooker, has been busy again this year, he constructed an extremely lifelike "Orville Wright" mannequin that would make the Smithsonian jealous to pilot the replica 1911 Wright glider. Don completely reconstructed the DC-3 Lavatory door. He built book cases to accommodate an overabundance of gifts (354 books) to our library - members in the area may want to avail themselves of this ever expanding resource. Don also restored, for display, the Spanish Elizalde Tigre cut-away engine used in the C.A.S.A. 131 (Bücher Youngmann) and assembled the Boeing B-314 flying boat display case for a large model of the Pan Am "Dixie Clipper".
Thanks to Michael Young for his work at our events and in the library. We must certainly have one of the best Aviation Libraries in the area.
Thanks to Bill Dilling who has gotten our computers working and Flight Simulators up and running (at events there is a line to use them).
Thanks to Tony Saienni who has restored the DC-3 lighting including new wiring, power supply, fuses and switches. The DC-3 now has working landing lights, wing tip nav. lights, rotating beacon, cockpit lights, interior overhead lights, "Fasten Seat Belts" light and even a Unicom radio tuned to 122.9.
Thanks to Ruth Tasker who probably puts in more hours than anyone except John Williamson and without whose hard work and organization Massey could not survive.
Jon Goldenbaum, Pres. Consolidated Aircraft Coatings (Randolph, Poly Fiber, Ceconite)