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Mike Young continues to work his magic on our library collection. Mike has been working every week on getting all of the wonderful books that are donated to us in order and cataloged under the Dewey decimal system; it seems an unending task as donations continue to flow in. Mike's enthusiasm is contagious; he is always ready to help out with any task needed. Take a good look at our library when you visit, it contains many wonderful aviation titles - some rare. Thanks to Mike you can now search for books in our library by author, subject or title. It is a lending library and you are welcome to sign out books in normal library fashion.
Last year (2012) we received the very substantial gift of a 1963 Cessna 182 and three Blanik L-13 gliders. While the Blaniks' are grounded by an AD and may never fly again, the Cessna has already been restored to flight status and performs extremely well as a glider tow plane. The Cessna had sat "out of annual" at Bay Bridge airport for over a year and required a ferry permit to get it to Massey. We then removed and reskinned the rear fuselage which, while dented, was not structurally damaged and prepared it for Rick Councell to paint. John Williamson replaced the "jump door" with a standard door, installed a restored rear seat, and installed a new, larger oil cooler, new engine baffles and ignition wires. Thanks also to Larry Tasker, Tony Saienni, Bill Dilling, Ralph DeGroodt and Bill Dougherty for their work on the project.
Ralph, Tony and Larry completed restoration work on the 1940 J3L Cub project that Jim had started. This rare Lycoming powered Cub was restored to like new condition and Ralph swears it's one of the sweetest flying Cubs he's ever flown. The plane was quickly sold but is still based at Massey.
Jim's Stinson V-77 restoration is languishing while we look for a buyer - as is. This was Jim's signature project on which he lavished his attention to make it a perfect airplane. Jim's father and he had owned and flew this same aircraft over 50 years ago! This plane was one of 500 Lend-Lease Stinson's given to Britain in WWII and then civilianized by Vought upon return to the U.S. after the war, hence Jim's decision to restore it as a "warbird". Massey Air Museum is prepared to assist with the rebuild of this project, contact John Williamson for information.
In the restoration stages at the moment are Don Sloan's 1965 Citabria and a Spanish Elizalde Tigre cut-away engine (used in the C.A.S.A. 131) being prepared for display by Don Hooker and Jan Tone.
Every year many projects are completed with little fanfare, but they all contribute to what makes Massey Air Museum interesting to all our visitors.
Despite heavy use by Turbo Thrush crop seeders this fall, the runways looked good after aeration and overseeding which we're planning to repeat again this spring. The never ending mowing was handled primarily by volunteers Bob Thompson, Bill Dilling, Larry Tasker and others with John Williamson looking after the normal maintenance activities on top of mowing chores including repairing the beacon. In addition, the back wall of the shop was totally rebuilt as was the side wall of the rental house, all having been accomplished in-house by John Williamson with the valued assistance of Pat McAneny and Jack Williamson.
The same Dover volunteers that restored the Air Mobility Command Museum's WACO CG-4 glider here at Massey also "bird proofed" the DC-3 by installing wire mesh on the engines and over the many holes.
John Williamson & Bill Dilling retrieved Baily Moyes Dragonfly N6167D from Lawrenceville, NJ on a trailer. It flew again on Oct. 6, 2013. (bought by Bill Coxon, Sudlersville, MD).
In the last two years 2 Piper Cubs, a Schweizer 2-22 glider, the Dragonfly & the Cessna 182 were all resurrected to fly again here at Massey.
Museum Membership
This is our annual appeal for your continued support. There has been continuous progress this year with a slight tilt towards gliders thanks to the Vintage Sailplane Association and the Cessna 182 tow plane donated by "Midshipman Aviation Inc.".
We consider Massey one of the custodians of American aviation tradition flowing from the Wright Brothers to today. Massey
Air Museum has accomplished a great deal since being transformed from a crop dusting strip surrounded by corn and soy bean fields to today's state by Jim Douglass' vision and the dedication of the founding members and their cadre of volunteers.
We feel we have a great thing going here for a lot of people and we need your help to continue it. If you have an interest in preserving Grass Roots Aviation at Massey, please join us with your membership now. We have enclosed 2014 membership cards for all current and past members with the hope you will renew for 2014.
Mail tax-deductible contribution:
Massey Air Museum, Inc.
33541 Maryland Line Road
Massey, Maryland 21650
John Williamson 410-928-5270