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be there for the final high speed test and really enjoyed hearing the engine he had flown as a boy, with his father. This was a wonderful culmination of quite a bit of work in tearing down the radial engine, shuttling the assorted parts to and from the shop in Ohio, having the parts evaluated, and restored where necessary, and then returning them to Massey with the final reassembly -- which you may have seen as you toured the Museum in early 2012.
You'll notice that the DC-3 looks quite spiffy with new window glass and a new coat of olive drab urethane finish on the fuselage. We owe thanks to painters Tyler Cohen, Bill Dougherty, John Williamson, Earl McMullen, and others. The remainder of the aircraft will be covered as time and weather allow. The efforts of Ron Bauer and Bill Lee to bird-proof the plane have kept the birds at bay. This volunteer effort will help keep the old ship looking new for many years to come.
The first J3 Cub project, completed by Ralph DeGroodt and Tony Saienni, has now been flying for 15 hours. That's after a two and one half year restoration, including a trip back to Lock Haven, PA for a sentimental journey in June. Ralph and Tony enjoyed the flight back to the factory with the restored (better than new) Cub. Work has begun on a second 1940 J3 Cub belonging to Jim Douglass. This Cub was rescued a few years ago and stored at Massey until Ralph's Cub was finished. A lot of detail work has been done on the project by Jim Douglass, Ralph, Tony, Larry Tasker, and John Williamson, in order to bring the old bird back to original. New windows have been installed, upgraded brakes installed, and a new panel has been
prepared with rebuilt (very original) instruments. All the controls for the rudder and elevators are completed, and it is now waiting for the wings to be installed, and the engine to be test-run. After appropriate testing, another J3 Cub restoration will fly, helping to keep "Grass Roots" aviation alive at Massey Air Museum.
In October, another milestone was reached when the totally refurbished 1955 Schweizer SG-2-22 glider was flown during the Vintage sailplane weekend. Rusty Lowery, a Navy test pilot from PAX River, flew the glider and gave it a complete checkout. Needless to say this was a very exciting event for John Williamson, Larry Tasker, Tony Saienni, and others who worked on the rebuilding of this aircraft. The Museum recently received three Czech made Blanick gliders and a Cessna 182 tow plane. All were donated to Massey Air Museum by "Midshipmen Aviation Inc", a foundation formed by a group from the Naval Academy. These gliders were being used in an aviation training program for the Midshipmen but the program was cut short due to some technical airworthiness details with the gliders. We hope to have at least one of the gliders flying again sometime this summer.
The "Open Hanger Party" on December 2nd was a big success, even though morning fog made it a late start for many visiting aircraft. Even with the fog over sixty planes flew in to enjoy the varied and plentiful holiday fare as well as many more drive in visitors. Use of runway 20 brought our new taxiway into service for the first time. It was barely ready, but having it operational kept traffic flowing smoothly. New markings are being considered for the runways, as the cones proved
difficult to see with low winter sun. Once again the volunteers proved they were up to the job of handling many planes in a very short time frame. Thanks again to Ron Bauer, Gary Burris, and Bill Lee from Dover, and Tony Saienni, Bill Dilling and others I may have missed. Our friends from the Porsche Club of Delaware were there in force with 13 cars for a great display, along with various other interesting cars. Altogether another fine afternoon event.
Our annual appeal for your continued support is certainly not new, but continues to be a most important part of our yearly plan. As you are aware, we continue to provide a great venue for many people who have an interest in preserving Grass Roots Aviation. This does not come without a cost, and we need your support to continue our efforts. We hope you are also aware, as we have said before, we remain good guardians of your funds, and they do help to bring lots of joy to lots of folks. Our membership rolls continue to increase each year as do the number of volunteers we have, but there is always a need for volunteers, they are the heart of the Museum.
Mail tax-deductible contribution:
Massey Air Museum, Inc.
33541 Maryland Line Road
Massey, Maryland 21650
Massey Air Museum Inc.
410 928 5270
You may have noticed that this year's Museum Chatter is not up to its usual standards. Jim Douglass has been under the weather lately and was not fully able to participate in the production of this letter. John Williamson and many dedicated volunteers have done our best to get you the news. Get well soon Jim!