Thanks to everyone who attended our 2008 Open Hangar Party. Weather was sunny, cold and very windy,
with gusts of 25 to 35 knots. As a fly-in, it was almost a complete bust, but as a get-together, it was a great success.
One brave pilot managed to fly in with his wife in their RV-8. Our previous record low aircraft arrival number was four aircraft, following a nine-inch snow a few years ago.
However, these minor issues don’t stand in the way of a great time. We counted over 125 cars and estimate 300 in attendance!
As many of you know, at this event, the Museum supplies the ham, turkey and roast beef as well as the hot cider, cocoa and coffee.
And, many of those attending bring Hors ’Oeurves, etc. It is a formula that has worked very well. The more people that come, the more food is
brought. Everyone has plenty to eat and none gets wasted.
Well…I think a new and interesting development has taken form at this party. A certain level of competitiveness among the food presenters
seems to exist. If it is becoming a competition for which we are all winning. Which was the best potato salad? Ken Rysnar’s, Margie McKeown’s? Did you try any of those molasses cookies? How about
that Salmon Dianne Nielson made. The Hors D’oeurvres and deserts are getting better by the year. It was all just great. We are surely going to keep this system
Thank you all for sharing our joy over the past year and our hopes for ‘09.
See photos in the Photo Library.